November 25th: Showing the Family Around the Night Sky

Alright lets go back to Polaris so we are again facing due North. Three fists to the 1 o’clock position of Polaris is the ‘W’ or the ‘M’ of Cassiopeia. A little distorted but very distinctive. I want to use the right most segment of the ‘M’ as a ruler. So note that distance. Just mentally note the distance, and gaze to the right of the star at the end of the segment that distance. There if your skies are dark enough, you’ll find a hazy spot or spots that is known as The Double Cluster. This is two clusters of faint stars close enough together to make them just able to be seen as one or two hazy patches to the unaided eye.

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Just with the naked eye, binoculars, or a telescope, many marvellous sights can be seen!

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